Hi! I am so glad that you have taken the time to visit my Site. Have you ever purchased a Shirt and wondered, "where did this idea come from?" I have and that's why I wanted to give you a little background information.
After speaking with my husband and spiritual father, I knew this was something I couldn't keep to myself. This idea was divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit and I had to run with this Vision. So here goes:
Everyone needs an Intercessor. An Intercessor NEEDS an Intercessor.
Intercessors very rarely gather to pray for each other . When we gather it's to stand in the gap for others. That's how God designed it. We stand in the gap hurting, needing answers, needing provision, needing prayer, healing, deliverance just like everyone else.
This shirt is birthed out of being an Intercessor and knowing what its like to need the very thing you are. Intercessors NEED Intercessors. My prayer is that Intercessors from around the world would begin to rally around one another storming the gates of hell for US!!
Intercessors pour out just like Pastors and Prophets. Have you ever seen at the end of a service someone say, "stretch your hands towards the Intercessors and let's pray that God refill all that was poured out"? I haven't.
I heard the Lord say yesterday that its imperative that Intercessors be built up during this time even after everything settles. We must continue to push back the darkness, holding one another up and praying fervently!
We must be strong Spirit, soul and body and remember Intercessors NEED Intercessors.
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